Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New Shoes

Tonight Seth, Blake and I went and visited Granny Jo (Seths Grandma) and much to our surprise when we got there she had bought Blakers a new pair of shoes!! It was a total surprise, Blake was sooooo excited for the simple fact that he LOVES shoes, I joke about that being the 'girl' in him:) HAHA... The shoes are too cute and of course Blake loves them because they are light up ones:) Blake is so lucky to have such wonderful Grandparents and Great Grandparents!!! Anyways just wanted to share with you Blake and his new shoes...
(Picture of Blake not so wonderful though!!!)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Weekend

What a weekend, we had a blast and got LOTS done around the hosue... We started the weekend off on Saturday by going to Omaha with the Lansinks, we wanted to go to the Zoo but there was rain in the forecast so we went to the Children's Museum instead, GREAT IDEA and the kids had a blast, it was sooo much fun... I think we are all kicking ourselves for not going to the Zoo, oh well we are still planning on going this summer though... After the museum we went out to eat and to the Mart for a new computer desk, I am so excited that our room is almost done now after how many months HAHA but by the 7th it will be done (has to be done that is when our desk is coming) I will have more pictures then... When we got home Seth decided to power wash our deck, and oh my goodness was that disgusting, it is like a night and day difference it looks so good, now if the rain would stay away we could get it water sealed and be done with that project... Sunday was a relaxing day somewhat, we did some yard work but it was so miserable hot outside, after we did get some stuff done we headed over to the Lansinks so the kids could play for a little bit, they have so much fun together... Today it was a lot nicer out and we got A LOT done, I got all the rocks taken out of our front flower bed and planted flowers... I had ordered those Instant Flower Garden rolls that you see on TV and they have been on backorder and I got sick of waiting so we just went and bought flowers instead, I needed some color out front... So we got the flower bed planted and also some along side our house, so lets hope they grow I don't have much of a green thumb:) That was about it for our weekend, it was a much needed weekend and thankfully the weather was nice that we did get what we wanted done around here... Hope everyone else enjoyed their weekend as well... Can't wait til 4th of July another 3 day weekend and its Seths birthday:) HAHA... Can you tell I don't like going to work:)

Sorry I didn't get a picture of the flowers alonside the house, my camera died right as I was taking the picture, for the next post!!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

I'm a slacker... I know

Ok so I know ALL of you have been waiting for me to post, I can't say I have been really busy just tired and trying to get my schooling all figured out... I went to Council Bluffs last week and found out I only have 5 classes left to take and 4 of them I am taking in the Fall... I was so excited, I will be a college graduate by this time next year... YEAH YEAH!! Other then that just been working and getting a lot of yard work and outside work done!!! I have several pictures so I just put them on a slide show, so ENJOY!!!