Monday, April 21, 2008

6 Random Things

6 Random things right now

1) I am excited I got my blog updated, 4 posts in one night!!! YEAH
2) I cant wait to get our fence put up so we actually have a CONFINED place to play in the back yard
3) This weather needs to either be cold or just be nice, cold mornings warm afternoons are throwing me off
4) My husband is too motivated, he works all day and still wants to go do more work, I don't know how he does it, if I only had half his energy, I'd post everyday and my house would be SPOTLESS!!! HAHA
5) It isn't even summer yet and I'm already running out of things to do with Blake outside, I mean you can only go to the park and for walks so much, what are we going to do.
6) I still need to go shopping some more for summer clothes, I didn't get enough last time, when are we going to have another girls day Jodi!?!?

I don't have anyone to tag, they have all been tagged!!

Proud Daddy Moment

Yesterday Seth brought the loader in from Godbersen Smith to get a big log out of our yard, and of course I had to take Blake outside to check it out, and oh my goodness was he excited to be in that loader with Daddy!! Seth had the biggest grin on his face too, he was definetly a very proud Daddy... They were too cute:)

Park Time Again

Last night Seth and i decided to take Blake to the park again beings it was still pretty nice out and there were chances of rain... Katie and Kadon were walking down the street so we picked them up and they came with us, and as we were playing Jodi pulled into the car wash and let Ellie out to come over and play, when Jodi was done here and Pia came over to play... The kids had a blast all playing together and Mr. Blake siezes to amaze me everyday, he is just climbing around the equipment and next thing I know here he goes down the slide all by himself, i didn't know whether to be scared or happy for him, it was too funny... Then Ms. Malia the little spit fire she is (HAHA) she thought she needed to go down the slide by herself too, but of course Aunt Jamie wasn't going to let that happen, so we went down the slide side by side, she is too cute and boy did she get a kick out of that... I think Ellie was pretty excited to have Kadon there too, those two just played and played together and had a blast... I'm sure you are all getting sick of the park posts, but there are new things happening everytime we go...

(For those of you wondering Malia has Blakes hoodie on, it was kinda chilly out and Jodi didn't have her dressed for the park, beings they weren't planning on going to the park, so she looks like a little boy, but we love her anyways!!!!!)


A couple weeks ago I had mentioned to Seth that I would like the tree cut down in our back yard, because it was too close to our deck and it was half dead and branches were everywhere in our yard. Well next thing I know 'Mr. Motivated' has the man lift at our house and he is cutting down this 100 foot tree by himself!!! It was a little scarey at first, I thought for sure he would drop a branch on the house of something, but the only damage done was the bottom step of our deck got broke, easy fix though... Well it is down now, and alls that is left is the stump, I am so excited now that it is gone, the next step is to get the fence up and a nice little play area for Blake to be able to run around outside without ending up at the end of the alley:) Blake got a huge kick out of Daddy cutting down this tree that he got his spider man couch out of the living room and put it right in front of the sliding glass door and sat there and watched Daddy cut down this tree... It was too cute...

Sunday, April 6, 2008


This weekend was so beautiful, but windy, of course!!! Also was my first weekend off since tax season has started, so it was nice to be able to get some stuff done around my house and enjoy the nice weather... We started our weekend off with going to Sioux City to do a little shopping, then I met up with Jodi and Adam and we went to Ellies dance night at the high school, they all did very good, especially Ellie!!! Sunday was our usual day of grocery shopping and laundry, YEAH, my two least favorite things HAHA... We managed to squeaze in a trip to the park, Blake woke up from his nap and told Seth, "Park, Park" so Blake, Ellie and I went to the park for awhile, they had a blast... Blake is such a dare devil it is scary... The pictures will tell you everything:) That about sums it up for our weekend...
There are also some random pictures of the weekend...