Sunday, March 30, 2008

Our Weekend

Not much going on around here as usual, i wish spring/summer would just hurry up and get here already!! We are definetly getting spring fever around here and itching to get outside, Blake goes to the sliding glass door all the time saying "GO,GO" but it has just been too windy and chilly for him to go outside... It will get nice soon, then i will be complaining because its too hot and can't wait for Fall:) HAHA But anyways this weekend we didn't really do much, I worked at the office on Saturday so that shot the whole day away, and Sunday we didnt do much either, called Jodi to see if Ellie would like to come over and play for awhile, so Blake and Ellie had a blast, Blake just LOVES his ELLIE... I took them to Pamida and got them each a treat and a toy, we couldn't forget about Pia either so we got her a toy too!!! Thanks for coming over and playing today Ellie, Blake loved having someone to play with!!! Well thats about it for this week...

Friday, March 28, 2008


FINALLY we got a new car!!! It has been a long time coming but we finally got our new car... We got a 2006 Chevy Equinox, I absolutely LOVE IT!!! HAHA I crack myself up on how excited I am about it, but after having my good ole Taurus for what 6 years now its nice to have something NICE and reliable... I told Seth I can't wait until we can go on our first road trip and not have to worry about the car breaking down!! LOL.......

Thats about all the exciting news around here, except for the fact that tax season is about over and I am almost done working at Wilsons!!! I love to help out but this year has been a year, thats for sure and it will be nice to have my nights and weekends back again to spend with family... I will try to get some pictures of Blake for you mom, because I know how much you miss the kids and how horrible I am at updateing this...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!!

HAPPY EASTER!!! We started off the weekend by heading out to Moorehead on Saturday for the annual easter egg hunt... Blake had a blast, he loves the little plastic eggs to begin with so when he saw them on the ground and could pick them up he thought that was pretty cool... Sunday the Easter bunny made his way to our house and left Blake some goodies... It was so cute seeing Blakes reaction to the basket sitting on the couch, he was so excited and ripped right into everything... PRICELESS!!! After the basket we dyed eggs, again Blake couldn't get enough he LOVED it, it was too cute... Then off to the bath and shower so we could get to Jodis house for dinner!!! While at Jodis we had another egg hunt in the yard, it was a little cold but the kids could have cared less, they ran around the yard looking for those eggs... Then Grandma Schafer surprised us with more gifts, Blakers got the new Tadoodles for little kids to learn how to color, this one was the stamper and Blake had so much fun with it, Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for the present!!! After all the festivities were over we came home put Blake down for his nap and Seth and I both layed down and took a little snooze ourselves... Everything was great this weekend, Thank you to Jodi and Adam for the wonderful meal and everyone else that helped make Easter so much fun....... Also Blake got his hair cut like a big boy on Friday, so in a couple of the pictures you can tell from the back there are NO MORE CURLS:( But he looks so grown up now!!