Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY (A day late) We started off yesterday with Balloons and a bouquet of daisies for mommy at her work!!! I was so excited, I didn't think Seth was going to send me anything to my work, but he pulled through and did:) Thank you honey:) After work we had supper and Blake got to open his presents from Nana Lori and Aunt Lisa... HE LOVED THEM ALL... He got a super cute singing turtle that plays a song and it is way too funny, Blake was dancing and laughing when it was playing... He loved opening his presents... Also thank you Grandma Judy and Jerry and Grandma and Grandpa Schafer for the cards.... We Love you all very much and THANK YOU for thinking of us on Valentines Day!!!


Anonymous said...

Glad you guys had a fun Valentine's Day!! Enjoy the Rapper Frog Blakers!!
Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! I just looked at your pictures again. I was cracking up on how dirty Blakes little socks are!

Jamie said...

HAHA... I'm laughing so hard right now... OOOPS I have some pretty dirty floors I guess!!! HAHA Poor thing... Thats what he gets for never wanting to keep his shoes on... LOL