Saturday, February 9, 2008

Awfully Boring around here!!!

Well nothing much has been going on around the Corbin house hold... This weekend was the first weekend I have had off now for the past 3 weeks, and was it much needed, my poor house has become last on the priority list:( But we are getting it all back in order, thats for sure... Seth started to do some renovations on the house this week, he got walls taken down in the computer room and hopefully by next week we will have NEW walls and insulation (which there wasn't a lick of) put in:) YEAH... It is all coming together room by room!!!! I have a few pics of the weekend so far, I stopped over at Jodis today to chit-chat for a bit and thought I would take Ellie home with me to play wiht Blake, they had so much fun... I have a few pics of those two being silly and a video of them on the washer... I better explain, our washer is a little off whack so it shakes and makes a loud noise, so i thought while it was spinning i would put the kids on it so it wouldn't be so loud and they were having a blast... They are too funny... But anyways thats about it for now... Jodi is making my wall words for me so as soon as I get those for you I will post how they turned out...

1 comment:

Christi said...

Sounds like us.... busy, but not anything exciting!! I talked to Jodi today, you'll have to talk to her about "baby-sitting" She also gave me your message about bibs, I'll try to figure something out!