Sunday, June 24, 2007

Cutest Baby Contest

Here are the pictures from the contest, notice the last one my face, Blake was getting HEAVY... He is such a chunker!! Also Blake got his 7th tooth this weekend, he has all 4 bottom teeth his 2 top ones and then now a 3rd top one came in... YEAH!! He is growing up way too fast, but he is SOOO much fun, you get him and Malia together and they go crazy, screaming and talking it is too cute. Well enough with my bragging here:) Enjoy the pictures and talk to you all soon!!!


Anonymous said...

Awwww....Way to go Blaker's!!! We all knew you were a cutie pie!!!

Jodi Lansink said...

We'll have to get Blake on camera walking! Check out Candi's blog...Reese is walking too! They are both too cute!!!!