Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Busy weekend!!

Well this weekend was pretty busy! Our friends Kyle and Mindi got married and Seth was in the wedding, so Friday night we had the rehearsal and the diner, then Saturday was the wedding. They got married at the prarier peddler over by Arthur, it was so pretty, but HOT!! We had a blast at the reception, it was nice to be able to get away for a little bit from Blake! Sunday was spent recovering from the wedding and getting things done around the house. I have a couple pictures from the wedding and some of Blake eating Mac 'N Cheese for supper one night! It was too cute, he is growing up so fast, 10 months already:) Hope everyone had a good weekend and good half the week so far. We have another busy weekend this coming weekend with a family reunion on Seths side of the family, so I am sure I will have LOTS of pictures:)


Jodi Lansink said...

I just LOVE the picture of you and Seth!!!! You clean up well!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a great time! You both look SUPER!! You should "dress up" more often! How is the house coming? I'll talk to you tonight Jamie!
Love you all! Kisses to my boy!!