Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Blakes Room

This weekend Seth and I finally got Blakes room painted and put together! We painted the room white because this won't be his permanent room, just until we get new walls put up in the other room! We also had a family reunion in Manning for Seths moms side of the family, it was very interesting to meet a bunch of people I had never met before but heard a lot about. And of course leave it up to JAMIE to forget the camera, so I dont have any pictures! For Fathers Day, we didn't do much except go to the family reunion, but Seth said he still had a great Fathers day and loved his gift that Blake got him (a watch) who would have thought Seth would wear a watch but he loves it!! That was about it for our weekend. Hope all the fathers out there had a wonderful Fathers day!!

Here are some random pictures of Blake that I took this weekend.

Blake just getting up from his nap!!

Being silly on the chair, Nice face Blakers!!!

Showing everyone he can Patty-Cake!!


Jodi Lansink said...

Looks great! Much better than the NEBRASKA that was painted all over the walls!!!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Blakes room looks great! Sounds like you had a very busy weekend! Hope Seth had a Happy Father's Day! I'll talk to you Thursday!
Love you!