Monday, April 25, 2011

Visit from Nana Lori and Easter 2011

Well after months of no blogging I am finally back!!!

Last weekend my mom was finally able to make it back for a visit, it had been since October and that is just way too long!!

The weekend was spent just hanging out, the weather was horrible, rainy and cold and just nasty. We headed to the circus Friday night, it was a little boring, but atleast it was something to do! The rest of the weekend was just spent inside, relaxing and hanging out, the kids dyed some easter eggs and played!!

It was so good to see my mom again, really wish we could talk her into moving back this way, so we didn't have to go so long between visits!!



We had a wonderful Easter this year!! We started our festivities Saturday, we dyed eggs, made cookies, cupcakes and chocolate and coconut birds nests!! Then of course the Easter bunny came and left stuff in the kids' baskets!!

We go to my grandparents every year for Easter, so Sunday we headed over there for dinner and a fun scavanger hunt I planned for the kiddos!!

The weather was beautiful yesterday so we headed outside to try and get some family pictures, which DID NOT work out, my children especially Blake were not having it, so we gave up!! Maybe next time!!

Hope everyone else had a wonderful Easter!!


Lori said...

Looks like a fun day!

Lori said...

Oh shoot, I thought they were two different posts! Ha! I had a great time visiting! I know it is sooo hard to live so far away but it is what it is as of now. But we will see! The kids are all such sweethearts and I love them so much! Miss you guys everyday..:)