Thursday, September 2, 2010


Finally this year Blake is old enough to start doing some activites in our community!! He has been telling me all summer that he wanted to do TAE KWON DO and wrestling!! So we opted for the TAE KWON DO and we're going to wait a couple more years for wrestling!!

Blake was SOOO excited that he got to start TAE KWON DO tonight, he couldn't stand it all day knowing that he had to wait:) His friend Triston is in his class with him, so I think that helped out too!!

It was too stinking cute watching him and seeing him in his little white outfit:( My little man isn't so little anymore!! He had a lot of fun and thinks that he gets to go back tomorrow, but he has to wait until next Thursday though!!

I will make sure to get some video next week for everyone, I got some pictures but of course only me, my camera died on me!! Go figure, can't figure that out beings I rarely use my camera, HA!!

Blake before class!! Excited!!

Just got his uniform on!!

Blake and his friend Triston!! Look at those excited smiles!! Stretching


Jodi Lansink said...

Awww...that about brings a tear to my eye!! He looks soooo grown up and SO CUTE in his little outfit!!!!

Lori said...

me too! I got a text with the pic and I was all teary eyed!! Oh Blakers....what a great little boy! Nana loves you!!!