Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Kendra, Happy Birthday to you!!!!
Miss Kendra Lee was born Monday September 28th at 8:03 AM by c-section... We were scheduled for surgery Tuesday September 29th but she surprised us by coming a day earlier then expected!! She weighed 8lbs 2oz and was 20.5 inches long!!

I can't believe that my baby is 1 today!! I am so excited for this next stage in her life, but a part of me is really missing my little baby:( Kendra is quite the little girl and I wouldn't change a thing about her, she is spunky, happy, crazy, funny and so stinking smart!! She has completed our family and we couldn't be happier!!

She has her 1 year check up tomorrow so I will edit the post with her current stats!!

Also we are having her birthday party on Saturday, my sister doesn't know it YET but I have hired her to take my pictures for me at the party and edit them!! LOL!! So be looking for FUN FUN FUN birthday pictures!! But for now, here is my peanut when she was born and now!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KENDRA LEE----- Mommy and Daddy love you very much!!


Jodi Lansink said...

Oh...it's gonna cost ya!! HA!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCOOTER!!!!!!!! Can't wait to celebrate on Saturday!

Jamie said...

HAHA!! I'll pay you whatever to have good pictures of this special day:) LOL!!! What else do you have to do?!?! JUST KIDDING!!!

Lori said...

Happy Birthday Kendra! You are such a cutie pie! Wish NANA could be there with you to celebrate!

Love you!

Veronica said...

Stopping by to say hi! Your daughter is SOOO cute! The time does fly for sure!

Yay for getting Jodi to take pics for the party! Love her comment her too! She always takes amazing pics so I know they'll turn out great!