Sunday, March 14, 2010

Kendra's Baptism

This weekend we were able to FINALLY have Kendra's Baptism!! We were also very blessed to get the wonderful news that my Grandma, Aunt, Cousin and Mom from Colorado were going to make the treck back to share this special day with us!! It was a short weekend but wouldn't have changed it for the world, it meant so much to us that they came back for this!! We had a wonderful visit and baptism!! Kendra of course was AMAZING like always!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone that was able to share this special day with Kendra and for all the wonderful gifts!! I will get pictures of the gifts once they are all placed in her room where they go!!


Anonymous said...

What a great day!! And even more special that all your family were here to help you celebrate!

Doug and Teresa said...

That was me!

Lori said...

We all had such a great visit! I am so glad we came for Kendra's big day!

Love you

Jodi Lansink said...

It was a great weekend!!!!

Amy Walter said...

Kendra looks so cute in her dress! How special that everyone was able to be there to help celebrate such a special blessing!