Monday, February 22, 2010


So I have a couple of random photos to share!!

This time of year the deer are out like crazy around here, they start out at Moorehead park they cross the river and end up at the elevator here in town!! It is the craziest thing to see... They are right at the elevator eating the corn off the ground from the farmers!! There are a TON of them too, if you are local you should go through Moorehead and then by the elevator about 5:30-6:00 its quite the site!!

This picture was taken at the elevator, this was only about a third of what was there!!

This picture was taken out at Moorehead behind the ranger station, this deer was eating off that big pile of stuff, and would just stare at us when we drove by then went back to eating once we were out of site!!

Also, this weekend we went grocery shopping and got quite a bit of stuff, after we got everything unloaded and put away we noticed that we weren't going to run out of liquids around this house!! It seems to always end up that way for us, our fridge is usually packed FULL of liquids!! HAHA
There is 4 gallons of milk, 3 things of juice, 2 packages of juice boxes, Monsters for Seth, a pitcher of kool aid, powerades and in the door that I didn't take a picture of is a gallon of orange juice and several cans of pop because we couldn't fit the 12 packs in the fridge!!! HA! As long as I have something to drink I'm good:)

Bath Time

So Kendra has outgrown her baby bath tub so we got out our "big kid" bathtub for her!! Blake was pretty excited to get to take a bath with his sister!! They had soooo much fun:) Kendra was giggling at Blake, I got a couple little videos!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Picture overload:)

Blake reading a book to Kendra!! Kendra with her bear from Nana Lori for Valentines!! Blake with his Valentines from Nana Lori!! Blakes new fish from Seth's Mom... There is only 1 now:) Seth and Blake Blake being SILLY... AS USUAL:) Kendra actually let me put a bow on her!! Usually she screams when anything is on her head:) She was also in her 1st Valentine outfit!! Kendra's first time with cereal!! She really liked it!! Kendra with her personalized shirt from my Aunt Lisa!! She looks pretty cute in it:) Blake burnt his arm on a cookie sheet fresh out of the oven:( Blake swimming at the rec center!! He had so much fun:)

Monday, February 1, 2010

4 Months

Well yet another month has gone by and my little peanut is 4 months old:( I know I say this every month but I can't believe she is 4 months already!! HA... She is rolling over like a pro now, she is such a HAPPY baby, I couldn't have asked for a better baby!! Just wish she wasn't growing up so fast!! She goes in for her checkup this week, I am anxious to see her height and weight and what percentile she is in!!

Baby shower, Blanket, and Pictures

This past weekend I hosted a baby shower for my best friend Theresa! She is expecting her first baby BOY, March 10! We had the shower at the fire station in Battle Creek, and had some cookies and appatizers! I was also very excited about the 'diaper cake' that I made! For those of you not knowing what a diaper cake is, is its just diapers rolled up to form a tierd cake and then you can decorate it however you want. I didn't go too overboard beings it was my first time, but I still think it turned out super cute!! Everything turned out really good and Theresa got a lot of nice things! I forgot my camera in the mix of trying to get everything ready that morning, but luckily Theresa's fiance was in Ida Grove so was able to stop at my house and grab it for me:) HA... Now its just the waiting game on Mr. ??????? to get here, Theresa and Jeremy are keeping the name a secret until he is born:(

Also while at the baby shower one of my friends' mom brought Miss Kendra and Blake a present!! JoDee had come to see me after I had Kendra and told me that she was in the process of making a blanket and that she would get it to me as soon as she got it done!! I had actually forgot about it until she came up to me with the present!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it... It is a 'rag quilt' I think is what they call them!! But it is so versitile and will grow with Kendra for years!! Blake also got a little something too, JoDee made him a Spiderman pillow case!! Of course he is in LOVE with it!!

To end our very BUSY weekend (well, my busy weekend) we headed to Sioux City bright and early Sunday morning to get Miss Kendra's pictures taken!! We have been trying for a month now, we finally got them done though!! They turned out SO CUTE and there were so many good ones I wanted them all, but opted out of that because I knew that Jodi could do the same pictures for me:) I don't have a scanner so I just took a picture of the picture for you to see:) HA... Whatever works right?!?!