Monday, January 25, 2010


So with all this bad weather we haven't been doing much of ANYTHING... I have done quite a bit of cleaning, playing games with Blake and playing with Miss Kendra!! We don't have much going on this week, but this weekend I am hosting a baby shower for my best friend Theresa, so will have lots to post about that!! Also we are going to get Kendra's 3 month pictures taken this weekend... I KNOW I KNOW what you are all thinking, she will be 4 months Thursday, but with the crappy weather and time, we haven't been able to get anywhere to get them done!! THIS WEEKEND FOR SURE:) LOL

Here are a couple of pictures of Miss Kendra!! ENJOY


Jodi Lansink said...

Love the HAPPY BABY picture!!!!! Can't wait to see the pictures you get taken!

MOM said...

Have you gotten pictures taken yet? Nothing going on around here either! The kiddos are just too cute!