Friday, January 8, 2010


This past week has been MISERABLE around here!! It has been so cold outside, like in the negeatives... Then we got another round of snow, not a whole lot but the winds have been so bad that it is drifting everything shut, especially worse on the gravels!! The school got out early on Wednesday and they had no school Thursday or Friday:) What a good week for the kiddos in school though, first week back from Christmas vacation and they only have to go for 2.5 days:) We are getting so irratable being stuck in the house, I have so many errands that I want to run, but I don't wanna take Miss Kendra out in this cold, so I guess they can wait until this weekend when we are supposed to get a HEAT WAVE! HA! Haven't done much, but I did do a little photo shoot of Kendra in a dress that I had, but have had nowhere to take her in it, so I thought I would just get some pictures of her in it!! Also got a few photos of Blake being SILLY as usual!!

This weekend will be a little more interesting, I'm going to Sioux City on Saturday to get some supplies for my friends baby shower and look for some more clothes for my new job:) Then we have my niece Malia's 3rd birthday party on Sunday:) I am SOOOOO excited to have stuff going on and to be able to get out of this house:)

Hope everyone else is staying warm and entertained while stuck in the house:) Next week isn't supposed to be any warmer:( HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND EVERYONE!!!

Blake playing Snowmobile with his chair!!

I'm ready to ride my Snowmobile:)

He loves his BOOTS!!

Blakes crazy hair after he took his hat off!!


MOM said...

Very cute pictures! Thanks for not doing a slide I can save these pictures!!
Have fun this weekend finally getting out of the house!! Good luck shopping!

The Hamann Family said...

such cute pics of your kiddos!!! - - Blake's crack me up! :)

Jodi Lansink said...

LOVE the last picture of Kendra-----she looks sooo cute! Cute pictures!