Friday, November 13, 2009


Here are just some more pictures of Kendra!! I am hoping we can get to Sioux City this weekend to do some shopping and get a NEW CAMERA... Mine isn't working, so whenever Jodi is around she takes pictures for me:) I feel like I am missing some very special moments with Kendra so I dont care what it takes I AM GETTING A CAMERA this weekend:) HEHE

Notice how 'pudgy' she is getting!! :):):)


MOM said...

She is a little butterball...just like her NANA!! HAHA! I hear you on the camera thing. I was looking online at them and for what I want is between $500 and $800. THEN there was a special kind of lens that was $10,000! HUH? I wonder what that does? A good camera makes all the difference! That will be my next large purchase....

Christi said...

I love when they start to get "chunk".....adorable!!!

Jodi Lansink said...

its time for an update!!!! If mom can do it---so can you!