Thursday, October 1, 2009

Kendra Lee Corbin

We would like to introduce everyone to the newest member of our family, Little Miss Kendra Lee!!

We were scheduled for c-section on September 29th but this little girl had her own plans. We ended up having Kendra on the 28th just a day early. I always joked my whole pregnancy that I had a feeling I was going to go early, and sure enough, it may only be 1 day, but it was still early:) HAHA... Kendra was born at 8:03 am via c-section, she weighed 8lbs 2oz and was 20.5 inches long! We are home now and doing good, settling in and trying to adjust to life with 2 children now and not just 1! Blake is doing wonderful and is the happiest most excited BIG BROTHER ever!! I think we will do just fine!!


Jodi Lansink said...

Looks like you need a new blog makeover to include Kendra! I will work on that when I get time!!

Jamie said...

HAHA... I was just thinking that:)

The Hamann Family said...

she is beautiful... congrats to you all! Hope you are getting lots of rest... those 2 kiddos are going to wear you right out! :)

mary said...

Congratulations Jamie and Seth on your darling baby girl. Blake is sure a cutie too. Mary H.

MOM said...

I'm glad to see you blogging again!! Yay! What a little cutie she is, and I'm sure Blake is such a proud big brother! See you in a few days!!