Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009


This year I didn't get into Halloween like I have in the past with Blake!! Guess there was just a lot going on this past month... But I still had the cutest Spiderman and caterpillar in town:)

Our town does trick or treating the night before Halloween, Why? I will never figure this out, but they do!! It was so cold and of course today Halloween is BEAUTIFUL!! Even though it was cold Blake still had a blast going door to door and getting candy:) Seth stayed at the house with Kendra and handed out candy to the WHOLE 4 kids that we got, while me and my dad took Blake around our neighborhood!! Then we all packed up made our 'special stops' and then ended the night meeting up with Jodi, Adam, Ellie and Malia and my grandparents!!

All in all it was a really good and fun night!! Some of the surrounding communities are having trick or treating tonight so we might have to hit up another town to actually make it feel like it really IS HALLOWEEN!!!

Hope everyone else enjoyed their Halloween as well!!!

Blakes Lute!! He made out pretty good huh? Some of that of course is from our own stash!!



Kendra in her Halloween 2009 shirt:)


MOM said...

I didn't realized you had updated until just now!! Sorry!! It said your last update was 4 weeks ago! I guess I will check in more often!
Very cute little goblins!!! Glad you guys had a good Halloween!

Jamie said...

I know I don't know why it isn't showing that I have posted, my last 2 posts have done that!!