Thursday, December 31, 2009


This year we aren't doing anything but sit at home and eat some yummy snacks, play some games and maybe watch a movie!! This year has been full of lots of ups and downs and full of lots of good and bad memories! I am so excited to see what 2010 brings!

For the past few years I have always said I was going to make some resolutions but have never really stuck to them, I guess because they were probably silly resolutions.. HA!

My number one resolution this year is to not dwell on the things that I can not change, I have spent way to much time this year worrying about things that I can't change. I am going to try and let things not bother me as much and worry about myself and my children!!

My second resolution is to be more organized!! I am the WORST at just stuffing things into drawers or in a closet and then I have the worst anxiety about how much JUNK we have piled up!!

My third resolution is improve on my wife skills and parenting skills. I know I slack sometimes with my husband and my children and want to put them first over other priorities!

I hope everyone has a wonderful new year and I hope that 2010 brings much joy and happiness into everyones lives!!


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

3 Months

I can't believe that Miss Kendra is already 3 months old!! The time flys by so fast and before we know it she will be sitting up and crawling:)

Christmas 2009

This years Christmas is one that I think all of us will never forget!! We got slammed with 15-20 inches of snow starting Wednesday night!! There is SO much snow out there its not even fun anymore:) HAHA... We are lucky because we don't have to travel but across town, but even that was a struggle!! On top of all the snow my Grandpa Schafer wasn't feeling too good on Christmas morning so my dad ended up taking him up the hospital where they ran some tests and kept him overnight for some observations. We really missed having him at Christmas but we are very thankful that he was in a good place to get himself better!!

We started our festivities off on Thursday morning heading over to my sister Jodis house to open our presents from our Denver family!! After that we headed home and made a yummy steak and shrimp supper then opened presents here at home!! Blake was so cute this year opening presents, he couldn't get enough!! Miss Kendra really didn't know what to think, she just kept starring at all the presents! Next year will be more exciting with her as she will be a little over a year old then:) I can't wait for that!! Santa came, so we opened his presents in the morning then headed to Grandma and Grandpa Schafers house. After there we went to Seth's dads house!! We had such a wonderful time everywhere and got a lot of good gifts and of course enjoyed all the family time with everyone!!

Everything is all put away and the house is back to normal... Until next year:)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Ok so I cant get the video to download... I will keep trying!!

Babble Babble Babble

The past month or so Miss Kendra has been rather vocal!! It is the cutest thing in the world to listen to and to watch her face while she does it is priceless, she really gets to going sometimes!! I have been trying for weeks now to get her on video and everytime I would pull out the camera she would just stare and it like I was crazy!! So finally last night she let me capture her 'talking'... She is such a precious little peanut!!! I am super excited for her first Christmas this week:) I promise to take LOTS and LOTS and pictures on Christmas!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

A little of EVERYTHING

So instead of posting like 10 different posts I figured I would just put it all into 1 and do a slideshow of pictures for everyone instead!! We have had a busy month so far, from digging ourselves out after the snow storm, Christmas shopping, and Christmas parties and also a trip to Nemo on Ice!!

Seth's work does a kids Christmas party every year where the kids get to go the skate palace and skate and have all sorts of treats to eat!! Blake LOVED to skate, but I think he liked falling down even more:) Both kiddos got their picture taken with Santa and each got a gift at the end of the party. Blake got a big thing of Legos and Kendra got a baby doll!! (sorry no pictures) We also had his adult Christmas party last night at the country club, it was really nice as usual. The women all got beach bags with 2 beach towels and a mixing pitcher to mix some drinks, makes me want it to be summer already:) We had a wonderful dinner and enjoyed some much needed adult time with other adults while Jodi and Adam watched the kids for us!! THANK GUYS:)

We also went to Nemo on Ice in Sioux City this past weekened!! We met Adam, Jodi and the girls there, the kids really enjoyed the show, and I think us adults did too:) Was even better because we got FRONT ROW SEATS!!!

Now on to Christmas!!

2 Months

FINALLY... Here is Kendra's 2 month picture!! I KNOW I KNOW she is almost 3 months but I still have to put it up!! HAHA

Friday, November 13, 2009


Here are just some more pictures of Kendra!! I am hoping we can get to Sioux City this weekend to do some shopping and get a NEW CAMERA... Mine isn't working, so whenever Jodi is around she takes pictures for me:) I feel like I am missing some very special moments with Kendra so I dont care what it takes I AM GETTING A CAMERA this weekend:) HEHE

Notice how 'pudgy' she is getting!! :):):)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

1 Month

Ok so this is a little late, well almost a month late:) HEHE... I saw this idea on someone elses blog and thought it would be a good way to keep track of how much she grows each month!! So here is Kendra at 1 month:)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009


This year I didn't get into Halloween like I have in the past with Blake!! Guess there was just a lot going on this past month... But I still had the cutest Spiderman and caterpillar in town:)

Our town does trick or treating the night before Halloween, Why? I will never figure this out, but they do!! It was so cold and of course today Halloween is BEAUTIFUL!! Even though it was cold Blake still had a blast going door to door and getting candy:) Seth stayed at the house with Kendra and handed out candy to the WHOLE 4 kids that we got, while me and my dad took Blake around our neighborhood!! Then we all packed up made our 'special stops' and then ended the night meeting up with Jodi, Adam, Ellie and Malia and my grandparents!!

All in all it was a really good and fun night!! Some of the surrounding communities are having trick or treating tonight so we might have to hit up another town to actually make it feel like it really IS HALLOWEEN!!!

Hope everyone else enjoyed their Halloween as well!!!

Blakes Lute!! He made out pretty good huh? Some of that of course is from our own stash!!



Kendra in her Halloween 2009 shirt:)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Just wanted to let everyone know that I didn't poop out already on the blogging thing... We have been fighting this yucky sickness for the past month now:( Little Miss Kendra has it now, so we are working on getting her better... It has been a rough month, and we are praying like crazy this sickness will leave our house and stay away!! I will try to update soon though!!

(sorry no pictures) soon to come though:)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Kendra Lee Corbin

We would like to introduce everyone to the newest member of our family, Little Miss Kendra Lee!!

We were scheduled for c-section on September 29th but this little girl had her own plans. We ended up having Kendra on the 28th just a day early. I always joked my whole pregnancy that I had a feeling I was going to go early, and sure enough, it may only be 1 day, but it was still early:) HAHA... Kendra was born at 8:03 am via c-section, she weighed 8lbs 2oz and was 20.5 inches long! We are home now and doing good, settling in and trying to adjust to life with 2 children now and not just 1! Blake is doing wonderful and is the happiest most excited BIG BROTHER ever!! I think we will do just fine!!


Ok everyone I am going to give this blogging thing a try once again!! I know this is now what my 3rd attempt, but I really am going to try!! It may not be much, but I know everyone likes to see new pictures and see what is going on in the Corbin household!! So here we go:)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Blake's 3rd Birthday!!!!

Today we celebrated Blake's 3rd birthday with a CARS birthday party!