Sunday, October 5, 2008

Beautiful Fall!!

It has been awhile since I have posted last, sorry guys you are just going to have to bare with me here, i'm trying my best with school, and work and Blakers... Recap of the past couple of weeks: Last Friday I had a half a day off to get much needed school work done, I got done around 3 so I called up Jodi to see if I could pick Ellie up from school and grab Malia to go to the park and play for awhile so her and Adam could get some stuff done with Ellies room. We enjoyed playing at the park then to my house for ice cream and more playing in the backyard on the swingset, the kids had a BLAST and so did I. Saturday night the Lansinks came over to our house for a BBQ (see Jodis blog for pics) we figured we better get another one in before the weather started getting to bad on us, it was a good time and some good food!!! Maybe we can squeeze another one in!!! Then the rest of the week was school and work again. This past week was homecoming here in town so Thursday night we went up the parade, short and sweet but the kids loved it, Blake especially he was SOOOOOO excited about the fire trucks (again Jodis blog for pictures, I was helping get candy so I only got one pre-parade picture) I didn't realize that Blake liked fire trucks so much, he is STILL talking about them, he is too darn cute... Other than that nothing else has been going on I got my front yard decorated for Fall, I still want to add some more, but atleast I got the cornstalks up now before Seth has to leave on the road for the next couple of weeks:( This will only be the second time he has been gone all summer, which is unusual, so it kinda stinks... Now off to another week, lots of projects and MIDTERMS (aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) Wish me luck!!


Anonymous said...

Your cornstalks look good!

Jodi Lansink said...

Your fall decor looks great! I think after looking at your blog and Lori Hamann's blog---you have put me in the "decorate for fall" mode!!!

Anonymous said...

still waiting for this blog to be updated there kiddo.. jk..
love you