Monday, September 22, 2008

1 YEAR!!

Can you believe it, Seth and I have been married a year already, crazy, where does the time go?? We have had an awesome first year, and can't wait for many many more years to come!! In celebration Seth and I went to Omaha this last weekend and stayed at the Settle Inn, in one of the theme rooms, it was AMAZING!! The Lansinks watched Blake for us for the night. We didn't do much while in Omaha, we went out to eat at the Olive Garden (my FAV) then back to the motel and watched TV... Nothing too interesting but it was nice spending time ALONE (which we NEVER get to do anymore) and we were sleeping by 10:30!!! Thank you Lansinks for watching Blakers for us, it sounds like he had a blast and i'm glad he was good for you:) The big joke around here for the past year has been our damn cake in the freezer!! I am superstitious sometimes and so I saved the top of our cake so we could eat it tonight, Seth has been waiting all year to get that thing out of our freezer, he doesn't have to wait any longer!! Sorry there are no pictures of anything, leave it to me:)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lots to Post!!

So its been a little bit since I have posted, I know I know there are no excuses!! Just busy with school!! Anyways these past couple weeks not a whole lot has been going on just the same old same old, going to work and going to school!! Last week the local fire department had their annual BBQ with rides for the kids on the fire trucks, we thought it sounded pretty fun and I didn't have to cook so I was all for it:) We called up Jodi and asked if Ellie would like to go with, and of course, she was even sitting on the front step waiting for us to pick her up, it was too cute!! Her and Blake had a blast, they thought that was so cool to be riding ontop of a fire truck!! Also last week I got a sand and water table for Blake from Christi, and Blake LOVED LOVED LOVED it, he couldn't get enough, he thought it was the coolest thing ever, he kept giggling and saying "mommy, ook it" who knew something so simple could make a childs day like that, thanks Christi for filling Jodi and I in about your sale!!! Other then that nothing else has really been going on, I have a few other pictures to throw in, ones of Blake with blocks at daycare, he built that all by himself, I thought it was pretty amazing myself:) and the other pictures of my finished office (almost finished, need some odds and ends yet) that I haven't posted yet!! I'm not sure if I have any before pictures or not, but here are the after ones and if I find before I will be for sure to post them for everyone to see how different this room is (went from being a salon to an office)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Fun with MOM!!!

This past weekend my mom was able to make it back to visit, it has been 8 months!!! That is way too long, definetly won't let that happen again... We had such a good time!! We just hung out Friday night and grilled some food for supper, Saturday was spent hanging out, going out to eat, then having a porch party at my house, we had SO MUCH fun, I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard in my life... The next two days were again spent relaxing and hanging out... Thanks mom for making it back to see us, we miss you SOOOOOOOOOOO much and Love you and can't wait to plan the next trip to see you:)

(Check out Jodis blog for more pics)