Friday, February 29, 2008


Well here I am again and its been a couple weeks since I last posted so I figured beings I had a little time I would let you all know that I didn't forget about my Blog, just been super busy... There hasn't been much going on around our house, Seth is making some progress on our computer room, got the insulation up, so i think its just a matter of putting up the sheat rock:) YEAH... I cant wait til it is done!! Hopefully I will have pictures soon!!! Other than that nothing much is new... Here are some pictures of Blakers atleast for you all to see how much he is growing...

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY (A day late) We started off yesterday with Balloons and a bouquet of daisies for mommy at her work!!! I was so excited, I didn't think Seth was going to send me anything to my work, but he pulled through and did:) Thank you honey:) After work we had supper and Blake got to open his presents from Nana Lori and Aunt Lisa... HE LOVED THEM ALL... He got a super cute singing turtle that plays a song and it is way too funny, Blake was dancing and laughing when it was playing... He loved opening his presents... Also thank you Grandma Judy and Jerry and Grandma and Grandpa Schafer for the cards.... We Love you all very much and THANK YOU for thinking of us on Valentines Day!!!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Awfully Boring around here!!!

Well nothing much has been going on around the Corbin house hold... This weekend was the first weekend I have had off now for the past 3 weeks, and was it much needed, my poor house has become last on the priority list:( But we are getting it all back in order, thats for sure... Seth started to do some renovations on the house this week, he got walls taken down in the computer room and hopefully by next week we will have NEW walls and insulation (which there wasn't a lick of) put in:) YEAH... It is all coming together room by room!!!! I have a few pics of the weekend so far, I stopped over at Jodis today to chit-chat for a bit and thought I would take Ellie home with me to play wiht Blake, they had so much fun... I have a few pics of those two being silly and a video of them on the washer... I better explain, our washer is a little off whack so it shakes and makes a loud noise, so i thought while it was spinning i would put the kids on it so it wouldn't be so loud and they were having a blast... They are too funny... But anyways thats about it for now... Jodi is making my wall words for me so as soon as I get those for you I will post how they turned out...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Today was my Grandpas 80th birthday... We started the celebration out on Sunday with a nice dinner in Arthur then we went back to Grandma and Grandpas for cake and ice cream!! Then tonight on his actual birthday I made a cake and we had cake and ice cream and opened presents... It was very nice!! I hope you had a WONDERFUL birthday Grandpa and many many more to come... WE LOVE YOU!!! HAPPY BIRHTDAY!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

New Hair

It was time for a change... So I finally went for it, I HATE getting my hair cut, because I'm so nervous it is going to turn out really bad and then I have to live with that for awhile while it grows out, but I LOVE my new hair... Its easy to do and that is what I like...

SNOW much fun!!!

Beings it was SUPER nice last weekend we decided to take Blakers sledding for the first time... Seth and his mom took Blake on Saturday while I was at work:( But Sunday we met up with Dad, Jodi, Adam and Ellie out of Moorehead and took over the hill:) It was sooooooo much fun and Blake LOVED it... We will have to do that again one of these nice weekends.