Thursday, November 29, 2007


Today was the big day for Blakers getting his tubes in his ears... It has been a long process leading up to this day, he has had so many ear infections and ear problems since he was 3 months old, so lets hope that these tubes do some wonders... Dad joined me this morning at the hosptal, so that was nice having someone there with me, it is such a simple procedure but its still the process that is a little scary! We were at the hospital by 7 this morning and back home by 8:15, so yes it is definetly a simple procedure... Dr. Wellendorf came out after they were done and told us Blake had so much puss build up behind his ear drum that it is a wonder that he even was sleeping at night because he was sure he was in so much pain... That explains all the LONG LONG nights that we have had with Blake!! But it is done now and hopefully we will see a world of difference in him, poor guy:) Well enough rambling, Blake is doing just fine he was a little fussy this morning but other then that he has been great... I didn't take any pictures today of Blake before and after surgery I thought that would be a little funny... So I just took one of him tonight with a big smile on his face!!!

Happy Birthday Dad

Yeah Yeah I know it was a couple days ago, but its the thought that counts... My Dads birthday was on Tuesday so Sunday night we had Pizza, cake and ice cream at my Grandparents house!! I won't go into too much detail because you have all read it on Jodis Blog!!! So here are some pictures of the lovely time that we had at dads BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!!!!!!!

Blakes 1st hair cut!!

This last Saturday we decided that it was time for Blake to get a little trim on his hair, it was starting to get a little crazy:) So we took him in for his first hair cut!! It was very interesting and I probably could have done it myself at home for as little as he got cut off (which you can barely tell he got his hair cut in the pictures anyways) but it was still a big milestone in our lives!! Here are a few pictures of the BIG EVENT!!! LOL

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The past Month and a half of BLAKERS!!!!

Ok for everyone that has been dieing to see how much little Blake has been growing here are some random pictures of Blake through out the past month or so... Mom I am really sorry that I haven't gotten many posts up for you, but hey here you get to look at a ton all at once!!! HAHA

Past month and a half updates!!! HAHA

Well here it is, the past month and halfs updates for everyone... I know it has taken me forever and that everyone has been getting mad... This slideshow has the daycares Halloween party (yes i said Halloween) and a friend of ours Halloween party that we took Ellie along to, where she enjoyed skating eating LOTS AND LOTS of M&M's and playing with Kadon Katie Lampes little boy!!! And also we have Jodis Birthday thrown in there as well.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... I just have to laugh at myself really:)