Monday, September 24, 2007

Coming Soon

Ok so by now I know you have all stopped looking at my blog and are calling me bad names and getting really upset with me... Well I have news for you all... I am back in business and am going to try to update my blog more often, we got the wedding done and over with so i don't have that to worry about anymore... I have some pictures of the wedding but only the reception, my camera is charging so i will get those on here ASAP... The wedding went great I couldn't have asked for a better day!! Will have pictures soon...


Jodi Lansink said...

Glad to hear you are back in business!!!! Don't you just feel like a HUGE WEIGHT has been lifted, and now you can return to normal life?!?!?!?! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi's MOM......I have been patiently waiting for your updates! Did you get the emails I sent to Jodi of your wedding pics? They turned out really really good! I dont' blog, so I can't post them! HAHA~