Thursday, August 9, 2007


Well its finally here Blakers turned the big 1! Its so hard to believe that we finally made it... We started off the day with Ellie calling to sing Blake 'Happy Birthday', then blake opened a couple presents from Nana Judy and Nana Lori, he loved them and loved unwrapping them:) Papa brought him some balloons and Grandma and Grandpa Schafer stopped by to wish him a happy b-day!! We also stopped by Adam and Jodis for a little bit so Blake and Ellie could play!! I thought I should keep the family tradition going by getting Blake some PIZZA for supper, so I stopped at Caseys and got him a piece of pizza:) Unfortunetly Seth was on the road working so wasn't able to be home, but he called and talked to blake on the phone:) Blake will have his big party on Sunday with family and friends, I can't wait!! So I will have a lot more posts coming up for all of you:) HEHE... Thanks to everyone who made Blakes 1st birthday GREAT!! (even if he had NO clue what so ever!!) I have some pictures from the day!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLAKERS

Also Nana Lori, sorry I didn't get any pictures of Blake with his fire truck yet, he went to bed before I could take any!! I will post them first thing tomorrow!! I PROMISE!!!

1 comment:

Jodi Lansink said...

Happy Birhtdya Blake! Are you ready to party it up on Sunday?!?!