Sunday, June 24, 2007

Cutest Baby Contest

Here are the pictures from the contest, notice the last one my face, Blake was getting HEAVY... He is such a chunker!! Also Blake got his 7th tooth this weekend, he has all 4 bottom teeth his 2 top ones and then now a 3rd top one came in... YEAH!! He is growing up way too fast, but he is SOOO much fun, you get him and Malia together and they go crazy, screaming and talking it is too cute. Well enough with my bragging here:) Enjoy the pictures and talk to you all soon!!!

Heritage Days

This weekend in Ida Grove was the annual Heritage Days celebration! Saturday was filled with many fun things to do, first off was the parade, it turned out pretty good and Blake and Malia enjoyed it for the most part. Ellie and I got TONS of candy and she was nice enough to share with me, what a GREAT niece I have!!! After the parade we went to the city park where all the festivities were, there were rides for the older children to play on and a bunch of chance boothes and a craft fair. At 2:00 there was the "Cutest Baby contest" I entered Blake into the 7-12 month category and HE WON!! Blake was the cutest baby boy in his age group, it was so exciting and shocking at the same time. There were about 10 other babies and he was called back into the final 4 and he won! I was a very proud mommy after that! Jodi entered Malia into her age group and she won as well, it was quite the day for the family. We had a blast, too bad Seth wasn't there, he worked all this weekend helping a friend roof a house:( After all that excitement Blake and I went home and waited for Seth to get home and didn't do much the rest of the night. Today (Sunday) we didnt do much of anything either, my Aunt Vicki and Uncle Dave were in town for the day and stoped by our new house to check it out! Thanks a lot again for stopping, it was good to see you guys again. Well that was about it hope you all had a wonderful weekend with the wonderful weather. HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Blakes Room

This weekend Seth and I finally got Blakes room painted and put together! We painted the room white because this won't be his permanent room, just until we get new walls put up in the other room! We also had a family reunion in Manning for Seths moms side of the family, it was very interesting to meet a bunch of people I had never met before but heard a lot about. And of course leave it up to JAMIE to forget the camera, so I dont have any pictures! For Fathers Day, we didn't do much except go to the family reunion, but Seth said he still had a great Fathers day and loved his gift that Blake got him (a watch) who would have thought Seth would wear a watch but he loves it!! That was about it for our weekend. Hope all the fathers out there had a wonderful Fathers day!!

Here are some random pictures of Blake that I took this weekend.

Blake just getting up from his nap!!

Being silly on the chair, Nice face Blakers!!!

Showing everyone he can Patty-Cake!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Busy weekend!!

Well this weekend was pretty busy! Our friends Kyle and Mindi got married and Seth was in the wedding, so Friday night we had the rehearsal and the diner, then Saturday was the wedding. They got married at the prarier peddler over by Arthur, it was so pretty, but HOT!! We had a blast at the reception, it was nice to be able to get away for a little bit from Blake! Sunday was spent recovering from the wedding and getting things done around the house. I have a couple pictures from the wedding and some of Blake eating Mac 'N Cheese for supper one night! It was too cute, he is growing up so fast, 10 months already:) Hope everyone had a good weekend and good half the week so far. We have another busy weekend this coming weekend with a family reunion on Seths side of the family, so I am sure I will have LOTS of pictures:)

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Moving/New house

Well as most of you know we have moved into our new house! I am so excited, finally something to call our own. Its so hard to believe that summer is already here and everything is going so fast, before we know it summer will be over and will wonder where it went. Here are some pictures of us packing at the old house with Blakers helping out and pictures of the new house, I didn't get the outside of the house yet, those will be coming. And the upstairs, cuz there is some work to be done up there. Sorry took me so long to get a post.

create your own slideshow

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Hey everyone, its me the one that doesn't like to update her BLOG EVER!! SORRY... It has been so busy around here with moving and trying to get everything situated. I have been taking pictures of the new house so I promise this week there will be pictures and updates for all. I didn't forget just been really busy.