Sunday, May 6, 2007

Flood of '07... HEHE

Well this has got to be my best post yet!! HEHE just kidding. This weekened we had a lot of rain, Saturday night about Midnight or so it started raining and storming, when we all got up Sunday morning the gossip was out that it was flooded in Ida Grove!! HEHE... So of course we packed up Blakers and had to go for a drive to check it out ourselves, and I had to take pictures for my blog. So here are the pictures I took of how flooded it was. In some places the trail was completely covered. Also this weekend we went to Omaha to order dresses and invitations for my wedding, after we did that Seth and I went shopping for a new fridge for our new house! It was a very productive weekend. Now I am just concentrating on getting my school work done, I have a week left for this semester, YEAH!! Once all that is done, it will be time for PACKING PACKING PACKING! Hope you all have a wonderful week!!!

Cool Slideshows


Jodi Lansink said...

WOW...I can't believe we never ventured to town to check it out...would have actually been something new to see in IG! how did you get the picture trail slide show in your blog...did you just copy and paste the code?

Jamie said...

I know I can't believe you didn't come into town. When we were taking pictures I was going to call you, but I didn't. Guess I should have after all huh? Yeah I just copied and pasted it right into my blog. These slides are so much cooler then the other ones. Some of them are hard to see the pictures, but it adds a little more to everything.