Sunday, April 29, 2007

Not too much going on!

Well although this weekend was super busy not too much went on. Jodi, Grandma and I had a garage sale on Saturday morning so we spent Thursday and Friday getting ready and then were up bright and early Saturday morning to be open at 8! We had a pretty successful day, probably won't do it again for quite awhile! After the garage sale on Saturday I came home and Blake and I set up a blanket outside and played for a couple hours under our tree, he had a blast, enjoying the nice weather and being able to be outside! Today I have been busy doing homework, I have 2 weeks left and I am trying to get myself organized so I know what I have left to do, I am getting very excited to be done with classes for this year anyways! Hope you all enjoyed this beautiful weather and your weekend. Talk to you soon!!

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