Monday, April 30, 2007

Bath Time!!

Blake just loves taking a bath! He loves the bubbles and all his toys. I look forward to bath night with him, there is always a new discovery when in the bathtub for Blake. Here are a few pictures and a video of Blake in the tub!! He is too funny!!! Well I can't get the video to work, so you will have to wait on that one. I will get it on here as soon as it will download!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Not too much going on!

Well although this weekend was super busy not too much went on. Jodi, Grandma and I had a garage sale on Saturday morning so we spent Thursday and Friday getting ready and then were up bright and early Saturday morning to be open at 8! We had a pretty successful day, probably won't do it again for quite awhile! After the garage sale on Saturday I came home and Blake and I set up a blanket outside and played for a couple hours under our tree, he had a blast, enjoying the nice weather and being able to be outside! Today I have been busy doing homework, I have 2 weeks left and I am trying to get myself organized so I know what I have left to do, I am getting very excited to be done with classes for this year anyways! Hope you all enjoyed this beautiful weather and your weekend. Talk to you soon!!

Monday, April 23, 2007

The Grass!!

Friday afternoon I mowed my dads lawn for him, Seth and Blake came along to enjoy the beautiful weather. After I got done mowing we decided to put Blake in the grass to see what he would do, and he loved it!! He was crawling around and we took his socks off to see what he would really do, it was funny. We will have a lot more fun in the grass this summer, cant wait til we can go swimming!!

First time at the park!!

Saturday afternoon Seth and I took Blake to the park for the first time. He had so much fun, he went in the swing for the first time and LOVED it, then we went down the slides and him and Seth even dug some dirt with the mini excavators in the sand! It was so cute! I can't believe how big Blake is getting already it seems like just yesterday he was born! I'm sure we will have lots more fun in the park this summer, i'm sure him and Ellie will have to go together so Ellie will have someone to play with (somewhat anyways)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Summer is coming!!

FINALLY the weather is starting to get nice again. I have been getting so sick and tired of sitting in the house all the time because of the cold weather and having Blakers outside wasn't a good idea. But now that is it nice out we have gone for several walks when Seth gets off work, we have grilled out twice this week already. We are planning on going to the park today after Seth gets home, so I will have lots of pictures for you from our night at the park!!

Check out my Slide Show!

Sunday, April 15, 2007


See now I told you it would post sooner and sure enough I did about half an hour after my other post!! HEHE!! Hope you all enjoy I have a lot to look at here...


Such a happy boy! BIG SMILES PLEASE

Blakes OH So funny face!!!

Blake has decided now that this is his new face, he will even copy you if you do it to him. It is the cutest. He is a silly silly boy

Blakers being silly

Here is Blake being a silly boy!! He was standing up to one of our end tables and making some pretty funny noises with his mouth. Make sure you turn up your sound to hear this one. He is a goofy goofy boy!!

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Hey everyone here are my most recent posts, sorry it took me so long to get to this. I am bad at stuff like this. Most of my posts are from our Denver trip which was very fun!! We did a lot, we went to the mountains, and went to Chuck E Cheese. It was even better when the Easter Bunny came for Blakes first Easter!!! Hope you all enjoy... And I promise to post a lot sooner this time...

Lookout Mountain

While we were in Denver we also decided to go check out the mountains, I was so excited because it has been a long time since I had gone to the mountains. It was so neat being so high up and looking down into Denver and across over to the other mountains. We had a blast!! These are some pictures of the view and of Seth and I sitting on a rock, and then one with Seth, Blake and I by the stream that we followed all the way down the mountain.

Chuck E Cheese

While in Denver we decided to go to Chuck E Cheese, I didn't know if Blake would have so much fun while there. He got to ride in a car with Barney and Stewart Little, he had so much fun!! He is such a big boy!!!

Easter in Denver

Blakes first Easter and the Easter bunny came!! YEAH...