Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Baby Habit

Today over at The Francis Family Blog Jennifer is hosting a giveaway through The Baby They are giving away a $50 gift certificate to one lucky blogger!! Check out Jennifers blog for more information!!

I have never heard of this site before, but after looking around I think this will be added to my favorites for kids stuff!! With a 4 year old and a 1 year old your always looking for something new and this site has it all... I really like it!!!

I have been looking for some sort of storage solution for van but everywhere I have looked they are $25-$40 and I just can't bring myself to spend that much on something for my car!! On The Baby I came across there storage solutions and SOOO am going to get THIS!!!

Go check out the site, I am sure there will be something there for everyone with children!!! There was sooo much stuff I found that I would love to get!!!