Wednesday, September 29, 2010

{ONE} Year

Here is Miss Kendra's FINAL first year picture in her crib!!

We had her 1 year check up this morning and everything was GREAT!! She is right on track with everything!!

***She is 26.9 pounds and 31 3/4 inches long!! She is in the 95% for weight and she is off the charts for height!!

***She has been walking now since 10 months

***She says DADA and just in the past couple of weeks started saying MAMA and I have to say I was SO excited when she said MAMA there is nothing better then hearing your kids say your name:) Especially after she said DADA for so long, but she is quite the little daddy's girl!!

***She is a very spunky little girl, she runs everywhere she goes! She loves her big brother and playing with him and keeping up with him, they are quite the pair let me tell you!!

***She LOVES to dance anytime she hears music she will stop what she is doing and start dancing, its too cute!! She has also just recently started playing with a doll and its the cutest thing watching her love on it!! That motherly instinct is too cute!!

It has been a WONDERFUL first year with Kendra, I can't wait for all her next milestones!!

Love you Kendra Lee!!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Kendra, Happy Birthday to you!!!!
Miss Kendra Lee was born Monday September 28th at 8:03 AM by c-section... We were scheduled for surgery Tuesday September 29th but she surprised us by coming a day earlier then expected!! She weighed 8lbs 2oz and was 20.5 inches long!!

I can't believe that my baby is 1 today!! I am so excited for this next stage in her life, but a part of me is really missing my little baby:( Kendra is quite the little girl and I wouldn't change a thing about her, she is spunky, happy, crazy, funny and so stinking smart!! She has completed our family and we couldn't be happier!!

She has her 1 year check up tomorrow so I will edit the post with her current stats!!

Also we are having her birthday party on Saturday, my sister doesn't know it YET but I have hired her to take my pictures for me at the party and edit them!! LOL!! So be looking for FUN FUN FUN birthday pictures!! But for now, here is my peanut when she was born and now!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KENDRA LEE----- Mommy and Daddy love you very much!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Today marks 3 years that Seth and I have been married!! I couldn't have asked for a better husband and father!! He is a very careing and loveing husband and father, who would do anything for his family!! I love you Seth and look forward to MANY MANY years to come:)


Over the past 3 years Seth and I have been working on getting our house the way we want it and have done A LOT of work!! We have been working on the front porch now um for lets see... 3 years:) HAHA!! It has been one of those projects that has needed done, just has taken a long time and has been done is stages!! BUT I am SOOOOO excited to say that it is 99% done right now!! The trim around the door is the only thing left!! So I will be posting pictures as soon as it is 100% done which hopefully the guy will come tonight to finish it for us:) So be watching for our before and after pictures!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I am in DESPERATE need of a triple stroller for my daycare!! If any of you out there in blog world that live near me know of anywhere that has some used cheap strollers let me know!! I would prefer to have a triple jogger stroller but will settle for anything right now!! Thanks

Friday, September 3, 2010

Cutie Pie

So this time of year is my FAVORITE, I love that it is still nice enough to be outside, but you can wear jeans and a sweatshirt or a t-shirt and be comfortable!! Last night before Blakes TAEKWONDO I put Kendra in her little jeans(that I had to unbotton because they were tight)!! her little shoes, and a shirt!! She looked SO GROWN UP!! There is just something about a little kid in jeans when they can walk that melts your heart!! She was walking around the room like she owned the place, showing off, she is a CUTIE PIE!!! She kept laying down on the floor and just laying there starring at everyone!! She was being a hoot:)

Just thought I would share a few cute pictures of my BIG GIRL!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

**Little Learners Daycare**

Well the daycare room is officially DONE!! YAY!! It looks so cute and I can't wait to start using it!! Thanks to my sister for all her vinyl work that she did, it all looks amazing!!


Finally this year Blake is old enough to start doing some activites in our community!! He has been telling me all summer that he wanted to do TAE KWON DO and wrestling!! So we opted for the TAE KWON DO and we're going to wait a couple more years for wrestling!!

Blake was SOOO excited that he got to start TAE KWON DO tonight, he couldn't stand it all day knowing that he had to wait:) His friend Triston is in his class with him, so I think that helped out too!!

It was too stinking cute watching him and seeing him in his little white outfit:( My little man isn't so little anymore!! He had a lot of fun and thinks that he gets to go back tomorrow, but he has to wait until next Thursday though!!

I will make sure to get some video next week for everyone, I got some pictures but of course only me, my camera died on me!! Go figure, can't figure that out beings I rarely use my camera, HA!!

Blake before class!! Excited!!

Just got his uniform on!!

Blake and his friend Triston!! Look at those excited smiles!! Stretching