Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fun in the Sun

Yesterday morning started out pretty stormy and rainy, we didn't have much planned for the day because I thought it was supposed to be yucky all day! I got a call from Seth around lunch time saying he was on his way home because it was too muddy and wet to work:) YAY!! By this time the sun was out and it was HOT outside, so we filled up the pool so we could play outside!! We enjoyed playing in the pool, having a popsicle, homemade pizza for supper and then to top it off Seth took Blake for a bike ride just the 2 of them (which I think they both enjoyed not having the girls tag along, HA)!!

Now our week has really begun, Seth is now at work for the week:( I hope the weather cooperates so we can get some swimming at the big pool in, playing at the park, and to go for a walk!! Hope everyone else has a good week!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

8 Months

I know this is almost 2 weeks late but here is Miss Kendra's 8 month update picture!!

She is quite the little peanut... She has been clapping her hands for a couple of weeks now and also in the past week has started to do 'so big'!! I still can't believe in 3 short months she will be a year old:( Time sure does go by A LOT faster with your second then your first!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Photo Edit

I took this picture of Kendra the day we played outside in the sprinkler... I was trying to do what Jodi says and turn my camera sideways and get close up and so on... So I messed around quite a bit with angels and got this one of her... Alls I did was turned it black and white but I think the picture turned out pretty good!! I could really get into this picture thing, if I really tried a little harder and if I could get a GOOD camera!! But for now my little point and shoot will have to work:)

Summer Fun

So I FINALLY found my charger for my camera:) YAY!!!!!! I have some pictures from a couple of weeks ago when Ellie and Malia came over and played in the sprinkler with Blake and of Blake when we went fishing last weekend!!

AGAIN sorry sorry sorry I have NO pictures from the past week when my mom was here... Because I couldn't find my charger for my camera!! But most of you that read my blog look at Jodi's or my moms so you can check out the pictures there!!

Just wanted to share some photos of the past couple of weeks with you now though!!