Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

We had a WONDERFUL Easter this year!! This year the town wasn't able to have their annual egg hunt out at Moorehead so they did a little thing at the skate palace, where they had some games, pictures with the Easter bunny, and goodie bags!! Blake had a good time there playing the games and getting lots of candy!! Of course the Easter bunny came to our house Sunday morning, and I will have to say BOTH kids were very excited about there stuff!! Miss Kendra's face lit up when she saw all the stuff and could actually get into it!! Later on Sunday afternoon we headed over to my Grandma and Grandpa Schafer's house for an egg hunt and dinner!! The kids had lots of fun finding all the eggs and of course we all enjoyed the wonderful food!!

Hope everyone else had a wonderful Easter!!

6 Months

Miss Kendra is 6 months already!! She is such a good baby, she is ALWAYS happy, the only time she really gets upset is when she is hungry or tired!! She has been 'army crawling' for several weeks now and the past couple of weeks has been getting up on her knees just hasn't figured out how to move them and her arms at the same time!! I can't believe how fast these 6 months have gone, before we know it we will be celebrating her 1st birthday!!

Kendra had her 6 month check this week so I thought I would post her stats!!
She is 19lb 5oz and is 28in long!!

(Notice her 2 bottom teeth)