Monday, March 29, 2010

Little Man

I feel like for the past 6 months now all my Blog has been about it Miss Kendra!! So as I promised I have put most of my focus on getting some good pictures of Blake so I could update about what he has been up to!! I will try to do better for all of you (and mostly myself) to keep my posts equal:) HEHE:)

In these pictures Blake is just being Blake, a silly little 3 year old!! Some of playing outside, and also he wanted a mohawk the other night so I gave him one, he thought he was pretty cool with his hair like that!! HAHA... Still kills me he has that much hair to make it stand up that tall!!! After we layed it down I decided to give him a 'comeover' it was hilarious, and won't be doing that hairstyle again, he looks too funny:)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sitting Up!!

Well as much as I don't want to believe that my little girl is growing up so fast, she is:( The past couple of weeks she has been sitting up by herself!! She started with the usual few minutes and then would fall over, but now she does really good with sitting there for awhile!! She has ALSO started getting up on ALL FOURS and scooting a little bit, I find this hard to believe and it makes me want to cry!! Very sad to think that she is growing this fast!! It won't be long before she is crawling... SCAREY SCAREY SCAREY!!! HA

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Kendra's Baptism

This weekend we were able to FINALLY have Kendra's Baptism!! We were also very blessed to get the wonderful news that my Grandma, Aunt, Cousin and Mom from Colorado were going to make the treck back to share this special day with us!! It was a short weekend but wouldn't have changed it for the world, it meant so much to us that they came back for this!! We had a wonderful visit and baptism!! Kendra of course was AMAZING like always!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone that was able to share this special day with Kendra and for all the wonderful gifts!! I will get pictures of the gifts once they are all placed in her room where they go!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Ok, so since Miss Kendra was born I think I have focused more on blogging about her and all the things she is doing, and poor Blake has gotten pushed to the side:( So my focus this week is to capture Blake and post ONLY about him:) and then to push myself to blog about BOTH of my kiddos from here on out!!


Kendra started this lip smacking thing a couple of weeks ago and it is just too funny, and finally the other night I was able to catch it on video!! I laugh so hard everytime she does it, and lately it has been ALL the time!! She is a funny little girl!!!

Then when I was feeding her she started doing it again... I couldn't get her to open her mouth to take bites (which we are still working on) she would have rather had me put it on her face and she would lick it off:) HA!! Oh she is funny:)

Also, here are a few pictures from the weekend!!!

5 Months

Miss Kendra is 5 months old already (well she was 5 months old Feb 28)

She is growing up so fast:( It makes me sad, but I love watching her grow and meet all her little milestones!!

We have started on cereal and baby food!! And OF COURSE she LOVES it!! Also she just cut her first TOOTH this weekend:) And she is sitting up for short periods of time by herself!! I feel like this 5 month mark has been the point of milestones!!

(She is sitting by herself in the picture)