Saturday, September 29, 2007


Well it has been a week now that Seth and I have been married!!! YEAH:) I am so glad all that is over, the stress is well worth it though. Everything went WONDERFUL I couldn't have asked for a better day!! I have to give myself a pat on the back for getting everything done that was supposed to be done, and also a HUGE THANK YOU to my wonderful BIG SISTER who pushed me and pushed me to get all those things done!! Thank you again Jodi and everyone else for helping me get ready for the special day and for sharing that day with Seth and I, it meant A LOT!! The slide show starts out with my bachelorette party!! I won't go into much detail because you all heard about it on Jodis blog, but we went to sioux city got nails and toes done, did some shopping, ate some supper and then went gambling and bowling!! I had a blast, it was great to get out with the girls and have some fun:) Then the wedding pictures are after that!! Hope you all enjoy:)

Monday, September 24, 2007

Coming Soon

Ok so by now I know you have all stopped looking at my blog and are calling me bad names and getting really upset with me... Well I have news for you all... I am back in business and am going to try to update my blog more often, we got the wedding done and over with so i don't have that to worry about anymore... I have some pictures of the wedding but only the reception, my camera is charging so i will get those on here ASAP... The wedding went great I couldn't have asked for a better day!! Will have pictures soon...